Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Business of Writing Talks Blockchain & NFTs

Joe Salari of "The Business of Writing" brought Kate Baucherel on to discuss how Blockchain may impact authors. They cover NFTs, crypto, and how other technologies tied to the blockchain may change indie publishing.

Ultimately, I think the impact will be less than a lot of enthusiasts would like and not in the favor they would rather it take.

The current benefit for indie writing and publishing is that is actually pretty simple to do, both in the writing and the business end of things, such that one man can handle it all himself without being an expert in more than writing, keeping up with effective promotion, and handling one's personal finances. All things blockchain greatly increase the level of complexity involved, and doing so to people generally disinclined to be IT experts.

Conditions--political, financial, technical--would have to change radically for any of this to go in the enthusiasts' favor, especially as more and more drawbacks to a digital-only economy get exposed and exploited to screw over the common man with the consequence of shifting commoners back to favoring physical media and hard currency transactions for their affairs.

Right now, it's a shiny widget--a toy--and nothing more. Until it finds a useful, practical, everyday use-case of application that normies can comprehend and employ it might as well be Faster Than Light travel or full-body cyborgs. We're not there. We're not even close. We are unlikely to get there before those threatened by this set of technology either turn it to their favor or shut it down. Favor that which adheres to the KISS principle instead.

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