Friday, May 31, 2019

NEW RELEASE: Reavers of the Void is LIVE!

Reavers of the Void, Book One of the Star Knight Saga, is live. You can buy it at Amazon here, in electronic format. Link embedded in the cover art embedded below.

With this release I take my place alongside my fellow #AGundam4Us authors and raise my flag along with theirs. Backers, I would like you to post reviews at the Amazon page at your earliest convenience; it's critical for getting the algorithm to work in its favor. Again, paperback will follow after I return home and am settled.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

New Release: Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40

Dragon Award winner and nominee Brian Niemeier has released his second novel in the Combat Frame XSeed series: Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40. He's making a return appearance on Geek Gab today to talk about it. Embedded below.

You can--and if you're a mecha fan, you should--pick up your copy at Amazon. Kindle version is 99 cents for a limited time; paperback is $10.99.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Advanced Reader Reaction To "Reavers of the Void"

One of my colleages and backers finished reading Reavers of the Void yesterday.

Now that I'm home from rehab, soon the rest of you will be able to enjoy it. I have some settling in to do, but that won't take long.

Friday, May 10, 2019

From The Notes: The Old World Order vs. The New World Order

File this under "Stuff I'll Get Back To After I'm Done With "Star Knight"."

The story begins with an old professor calling his old proteges into his office. They discuss a long-missing colleague, a man who tracked down a lead on a lost Roman legion, when the old professor reveals the receipt of a distress call from their colleague not 24 hours before. The former students, now players in their own right, agree to act upon the revelation. Each commits a protege of their own to a team to investigate.

The investigation goes wrong when it reaches the location where the legion disappeared. An unknown enemy ambushes the team and scatters them; this happens during a storm, covering up the display of otherworldly energies going on. One of the team finds the missing academic, and together they escape the enemy, but he is now trapped with the old man on the other side- where he finds a Roman Empire in full bloom dominating the world. Another also escapes the ambush and remains on our side, having taken out an enemy attacker and traced the ambushers to their forward base; this leads to the revelation of a global conspiracy bent on world domination.

The story escalated when the Romans invade our world in a brazen manner, and it is revealed that this Roman Empire is not trapped in the high point of the post-Marion reforms, but rather is a fully industrialized high-tech power with fantastic arms to go with their fantastic ambitions. The conspiracy here gets flushed out into the open because they have to immediately push for open total control to fight the Empire; the revelation includes fantastic technologies long speculated in the UFO/Ancient Alien scene.

It's revealed that this conflict stems from events over 12000 years ago, and the lost Romans were not lost at all.

Oh, and there's giant robots. LOTS of giant robots. Because I like giant robots. Other details to be decided. Lost Legions vs. The X-Files by way of Panzer World Galient.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Star Knight Update: Not Just For Backers Much Longer

I've been either in hospital or in a rehabilitation residency since January of this year. This has delayed the release of Reavers of the Void as I've first had to recover from the surgeries require to save my life at the cost of a limb, then to recover to the point where I can begin using a prosthetic to cope with that lost limb, and now I'm closing in on getting that prosthetic in its final form before being discharged and going home.

Yes, for those coming in late, I'm still in rehab. This is not a place conducive to work requiring long periods of quiet, focused attention on a job of any kind, not study or work. Especially in the mornings, I can expect repeated interruptions for medication, checking vital signs, therapy sessions, irregular visits from doctors, and so on. Progress, accordingly, is slow.

But there is progress. Because the prosthetic is away for finalization, I have no therapy until this time next week when I have it back. Two weeks from today I'm discharged; I sleep that night in my own bed for the first time in four months.

Before that happens, Reavers will be available for sale. Yes, putting myself on the spot here, but you folks need something more definite than "Soon(TM)". Paperback will come after I'm home and settled, and then Book Two later this year.