Thursday, May 13, 2021

Signal Boost: Adam Lane Smith Presents "Diamond Jack"

The man behind Deus Vult Wastelanders and Maxwell Cain is back with a new science fiction series, and he's crowdfunding what it takes to finish the job on Kickstarter. Behold Diamond Jack and the Neon Knights.

Yes, there's a money quote:

Q: Wait, you write masculine Christian fiction? Is that even allowed?

A: Too many authors are afraid to portray unapologetic Christian belief as true. Deus Vult Wastelanders takes the words of the Bible as absolute fact and goes from there, imagining what might happen if demons invaded Earth and it still wasn't the final apocalypse. Christians living in hard times need to see heroes living in even harder times and still holding up the torch. Deus Vult Wastelanders has this in spades. Some people may not like the masculine portrayal of unapologetic Christianity, but it's time to bring it back into the spotlight so people see we're not a religion of cowards who compromise our principles at the first sign of hardship.

If you think he can't deliver, go to the Amazon links above and read the samples for the Wastelanders books. He delivers, and he makes fans of Berserk, Warhammer, and similar very masculine fiction applaud. No soyboi faggotry or soft-jawed Churchianity here. This is the sort of stuff you could believe an actual Crusader appreciating.

He's got a successful track record, so you're in good hands if you back this. Back Diamond Jack today.

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