Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Signal Boost: 9Volt Comics Pulp

My artist, the wonderful ArtAnon, gave me the heads-up on this. If you're into comics or seek more independent creators putting out stuff you want, pay attention to this.

The Nine Volt PULP ANTHOLOGY features 17 amazing stories, and a full 224 pages of comic book magnificence from the independent writers and artists of the Triple A Comic Creators Community! Slam-bang action! Adventure! Explosions! This is the second incredible comic anthology from our group!

Their motto? "Make Comics, Not Excuses." That's something anyone can get behind, and they're delivering. Click on the image above to go directly to their store page.

1 comment:

  1. Bradford -- thanks very much for the signal boost! The 9Volt team is very appreciative of your support!


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