Monday, October 19, 2020

Star Knight Update: Backer Contributions Already Being Felt

I've been in contact with one of the Build-a-Mech backers, the Ship backer, and our Character Illustration backer.

The Character Illustration subject got picked, the subject posed (for lack of a better term), and ArtAnon did his thing. I'll post the final version as soon as it gets into my Inbox, but that's not all.

It's going on a shirt.

When you see it, you'll know why I want to put it on a shirt. Maybe posters too. (Not a body pillow. Don't even ask. Ever.)

The proposed mech design is a stealth unit for special operations units. I like what I saw, and I'm going to feature that unit when I do the New Vienna story; it fits just fine there. Yes, this means it's a Real Robot design. We don't have more than a concept yet, but it will be great when it's done and I look forward to sharing it with you all after ArtAnon does his magic.

The discussion with our starship backer hasn't gotten to a proposal yet, but it has prompted me to nail down more details on how FTL works, merchant shipping, etc. that I had not spent much time specifying to date. While that changes nothing about "Hounds", going forward it has me thinking of how to make this sort of stuff interesting in narrative terms. (No, we won't be talking about taxation of trade routes; it didn't work for Uncle George, and I'm not as good as he was then- not yet.)

If you're a BaM backer and you haven't gotten back to me, check your email; I sent out contact notices and I'm waiting to hear from you.

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