Saturday, July 20, 2024

Coming And Going For The Week Ending 7/20/2024

New Releases:

  • DVX Publishing: The Quiet Contingent: An Addendum on WWII: The Boys of Camp Ritchie by J. B. Cartwright (Amazon)
  • Imperium Press: WOKE EUGENICS by Edward Dutton (site)
  • B.V. Larson: Rift Warrior: Depths of Tamil (Amazon)
  • Antelope Hill: Paleface: The Philosophy of the Melting Pot by Wyndham Lewis (site)
  • Go West: Frontier Adventures No.1 (Amazon)

Notable Postings:

  • KingEmperorPenguin: "Audio book: The Pub on the Other Side of the Forest" (Substack)
  • Extra Muros: "A review of 'The Amateur Hour: A History of College Teaching in America'" (Substack)
  • Castalia Library: "Interior Artwork: ASOS " (Substack)
  • The Junior Classics: "Hermod in the Underworld 1/2" (Substack)
  • Postcards From Barsoom: "National Nomadism and the Double Life of a Pseudonymous Writer" (Substack)
  • 365 Infantry: "RED LIGHT BYTES: Updates Dossier (7-15-2024)" (Substack), "RED LIGHT BYTES: Red Light Roundup (7-17-2024)" (Substack)
  • JD Cowan: "Knight of Legend!" (Substack)
  • Upstream Reviews: "Review: The Secret of Seavale by Blake Smith" (Substack)
  • Defending the Wood Perilous: "The Effie Logs--Effie the Gypsy Princess" (Substack)


  • Cirsova has a new Kickstarter going for Wild Stars: The Gold Exigency here.
  • The Wild Stars: The Gold Exigency -- Live with Michael Tierney (YouTube)
  • Interview with John A. Douglas (YouTube)
  • The Hidden Emperor: An Ayla Rin Sci-Fi Graphic Novel (Kickstarter)

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