Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Business: Hugofags Scream "VALIDATE ME!"

Below is a nice summary of what Jon del Arroz, the leading Hispanic voice in Science Fiction, has been doing against the Death Cultists trying so hard to wreck it.

To no one's surprise, the Hugofag crowd learned nothing from the Sad and Rabid Puppies. All they did was take off their masks and openly state their alleigence to the Death Cult, punish their enemies as best they could, and double-down yet again on their fanatical Death Cult heresy.

This extends to the present, where they went after the OldPub version of the Washington Generals that is Baen and its core stable of talent- both editorial and authorial. When Jon intervened to protest this treatment, of course the cucking happened immediately.

This is not what you do when your enemies attack you. You shut up, make common cause, focus on the enemy attacking you, and get the job done. Larry dun goofed here, as has everyone else that went after Jon.

No, I don't care that Jon's also using this to promote himself. He's in the same business these should-be allies are, so of course he's going to do that. You're fucking retarded if you don't, OldPub or New, so that dog don't hunt here. Jon's in the right here, and that's all that matters.

Jon doesn't leave you hanging. Here's his suggestions of Baen authors worth your time and money.

This Mean Girl bullshit is only going to get worse as the collapse of OldPub accelerates and more people are trying to get theirs from a shrinking pie. Baen's in a position to survive if they can continue their transition to being wholly independent of the OldPub business model and its twin boat anchors of the Big Paper business and the Big Retail end that is the corporate chain bookstore.

I care not so much because I care about OldPub--OldPub is totally converged to serve the Death Cult, so it deserves to be purged in holy fire--but because "Fandom" (as they put it) is entrenched in the fan con scene the sooner WorldCon and its scene collapses the sooner their fellow travelers running most of these cons can be rolled up and run out- and the cons finally turned back into well-run family-friendly events rather than the freakshows they routinely are now.

And if destroying one means the con scene dies, so be it. There are sacrifices I am willing to make; fan cons are one of them.

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