Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Admin: There Shall Be Delays

Last night I got home from another stay in the hospital. According to my discharge papers, I went in for a severe bacterial infection in my bloodstream coupled with an abcess on my backside. Less than a week inside, but I'm not done yet. Now I'm on outpatient care, including home antibiotics via a pick line in my arm, for at least a month or so. I don't know exactly how it's going to mess up my workflow, but it has and will do so for the duration.

Long-story-short: "Hounds" is delayed to next year. I'll get it done and out as soon as I can, but I'd rather not repeat my previous experience with the medical system, so things will be slowed to accomodate my treatments.

1 comment:

  1. Bradford

    Get well. We can wait for the book and it'll be worth it.


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